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Frequently Asked Questions about Brain Training & Hypnosis


Myths & Facts about Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a highly misrepresented and misunderstood tool, and the media/ movies are often to blame. Folks tend to mistake hypnosis as a party trick, a form of entertainment, or - in the most malicious instances - a form of control. This is not true. Hypnosis is a powerful and empowering process that allows people to free themselves from limitations and create the changes they want to see in their minds, bodies and lives.

So that you more deeply understand how hypnosis can help you, let's dispel some myths...


Meet Your Guide

 Emilie Leyes (she/they) is a NYC-based brain training specialist and hypnosis practitioner. After learning about the power of brain training to navigate and recover from her own severe chronic illness, Emilie made it her mission to create and share life changing mental practices to the world.

Emilie is formally trained and certified in Positive Psychology, Positive Neuroplasticity, Clinical Hypnosis, and holds a Master's degree in Mind-Body Medicine. She also has an extensive background in mindfulness, meditation, and nervous system regulation modalities.