Transforming your life just became a very easy task.
Science-backed hypnosis recordings to reprogram your mind and help you feel better and better each day.
FREE for 7 days, then $14.99/month, or $99.99/year
Try FREE for 7 Days!
Imagine what would be possible for you if you could
direct the changes you that want in your mind and your life.

Reprogram your mind, transform how you feel, and like more of your life.
It's nothing like what you see in movies. Doddle Hypnosis sessions will help you take control over your own subconscious mind and achieve a deep state of focused relaxation so that you can finally make the changes you want to see in your life.
While traditional meditation and “positive thinking” are very conscious actions (and can often feel challenging), hypnosis makes it a very easy task to quiet your inner critic, communicate directly with your subconscious mind, and change your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors based on your personal goals.
Try FREE for 7 days!Why hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a deeply relaxing and imaginative process that helps you quiet your inner critic to more easily direct the changes you want to make in your mind and your life.
When most people want to make a change in their lives, they start with what they know: their conscious mind. They might try to make a plan, change their thoughts, and attempt to willpower their way into a new life.
But here's the thing...
The subconscious mind makes up approximately 95% of our brain function
In order to truly transform our lives, we have to speak the language of the subconscious, and hypnosis does just that.
Hypnosis is like a key that unlocks the subconscious mind, which is home to our habits, emotions, beliefs, choices, and default ways of moving through the world, and it makes inner transformation a very easy task.

Here's what folks have to say about Emilie's hypnosis sessions:
Identify how you'd like to feel each day, press play on a Doddle Hypnosis session, and get ready to feel better and better. Sessions range from 90 seconds to 30 minutes to seamlessly fit your unique schedule.
Frequently Asked Questions about Hypnosis
What is hypnosis?
How does hypnosis work?
Is hypnosis "mind control?"
Is hypnosis the same as sleep?
Is hypnosis the same as meditation?
Is hypnosis supported by science?
How can I use hypnosis to reach my goals?
About the Creator
Hi there, I'm Emilie! I'm a brain training specialist and certified hypnotherapist (CHt), host of the How to Like Your Life Podcast, and the founder of the Doddle Hypnosis App. My background is in positive neuroplasticity, positive psychology, clinical hypnosis, and mind-body medicine. It's my mission to help folks harness the power of their own minds to reduce stress, build confidence and creativity, increase their access to joy, and actually like more of their lives as they work toward their goals.
I have seen firsthand just how powerful self-hypnosis can be to help us create the changes we want to see in our minds and our lives, and yet so many folks have never tried this incredible, empowering tool. That's why I created Doddle, so that transformation can become a very easy task.