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Brain Training for Chronic Illness

Brain retraining programs that help with limbic system and nervous system regulation can be incredibly helpful in the process of recovering from neuro-immune related chronic syndromes and illnesses, such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME), Fibromyalgia, Long-Haul Covid, Adrenal Fatigue, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, POTS, Dysautonimia, Chronic Lyme Disease, among so many others.

I used this process personally to fully recover from a combination of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, POTS and chronic pain, and I can honestly say that it saved my life and I would not be the confident, healthy, joyful person that I am today without it.

There are several effective programs that aim to address these types of conditions. I personally recommend Vital Side over the other options. However, they all take similar approaches, so if you are interested in pursuing this kind of modality, check out the sites below and see which resonates the best:

The Vital Side

The Gupta Program

Dynamic Neural Retraining System



I am not a medical doctor, and I am not able to answer your questions regarding the effectiveness of these programs for your specific conditions. Please check with your health care providers to make sure this approach is the right fit for you. 

I am not a health coach. I do not work with people on recovering from chronic illness, nor am I comfortable sharing my own story of recovery beyond what I have shared in social media posts. I am simply offering these resources as an additional support for those who are seeking strategies for their health.

If you have specific questions about the details of these programs, how to do the practices, etc., please contact a team member through the program website.